The Wisdom of Solomon









59 responses to “The Wisdom of Solomon”

  1. The material you used for the brown boots, I swear that’s the same wallpaper in the downstairs toilet at my parents’ house…

    1. Best comment ever.

    2. It’s so great. I only have the tiniest scrap of that paper!

      1. I agree it really stands out too.. funky boots in craft.. so cool. I love the change of pen for the writing too.. well done.

      2. But I loved the shoes… that was the first thing I noticed!!

  2. The facial expressions are priceless. I loved the sneaky expression in the first picture. Such typical behavior; before the child even knows what her sister has she wants some too. The last expression speaks volumes! So funny!

    1. I agree.. fantastic sneakiness.

  3. Siblings are always in some kind of competition! You captured it well.

  4. new header..yeay ! and why no handwriting this time? its a nice font none the less and as always …lovely post. Love the final expression of shock+fear.

    1. :) It’s a font I made from my handwriting. Just trying it out. It’s easier to read, I think. I’m still figuring it out. Kerning is the pits!

      1. Your own hand writing has a kind of flavor to it. i’m addicted… :)

      2. The font looks great! It still looks handwritten!

  5. I love your new font, but still miss your hovertext.

    1. I miss those, too! I’m so sad that WordPress made it such a pain to do them.

    2. I know! I just don’t have the time to do it now; it’s such a process!

      1. I know. Contrary to what they’ve said, the process is worse. I’ve been having a hard time just adding images lately, my whole screen freezes. :(

    1. Thank you! And thanks for sharing it :D

  6. Boy, I think my kids do this to each other in some fashion once a week. It’s always “let me see, I want to see it!” What a great ending. Love the new font and the new heading.

    1. Thanks! The font took two days to make, so I’m glad it looks somewhat respectable.

      1. I’m impressed. I wouldn’t know where to start.

  7. JackieP Avatar

    Too funny! I remember when I was a kid, me and my siblings were always wanting what the other had. :-) I love the new header, and any font you use will be great, just because the funnies are great.

  8. so true with sisters. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. thanks for sharing

  9. Story of my life growing up with my brothers. Story of my life now with two kids! Love the new header, just fabulous!

    1. Thanks! I wonder how often my parents heard “It’s not fair” a day…

  10. Love the shrug and the expressions on the faces. So. Very. Clever. I so look forward to these!

    1. Thank you :D That’s so nice to hear!

  11. There is a near legendary story from my childhood that springs to mind on seeing your wonderful story: My sister runs into my grandmother’s kitchen screaming, “It’s not chalk! IT’S NOT CHALK!” I following closely behind screaming, “Give me the chalk!” Feints, hesitations and more screaming. My mother steps in and asks, “What’s in your hand?” My sister ever so slowly and sheepishly brings the hand from behind her back and, finger by finger, unfolds it to reveal….you guessed it. Chalk.
    Loved it! ~Regards, Dan

    1. hahaha! I’m actually relieved that it WAS chalk!

  12. HAHAHA! Serves het right!

    1. It even serves HER right ;)

      1. Haha! Well, to be fair, Ashley was known for sneaking cookies…

  13. YES!

    I love your new banner! And I want those boots for myself.

    1. Thanks! Ashley has some pretty nice cowgirl boots.

    1. Thanks! Glad you like it!

  14. That brings back so many memories. The new banner is great and so is the font. I do miss those stories within the stories the hovering provided. Stupid wordpress!

    1. Thank you! That font was quite a job; I’m glad to hear you guys like it!

  15. joaniepthemadhatter Avatar
  16. This sort of things used to happen to me all the time, as the eldest it was too easy to get the others to want what I had.. but also for them to tell tells on me ‘who should know better!’ This story reminds me of the detention I got for keeping snails in my desk in an open tupperware. I didn’t realise they would crawl up and over and slime my books. Thanks again Nicole x

  17. I liked Ashley’s boots too, but I LOVED the way you did three Chrissys in one panel, to show Chrissy jumping/hovering around Ashley to see what was in her hand. By the way, what did Ashley have in her hand, that grossed Chrissy out so much in the end? Was it a spider or something?

  18. I love this!!

  19. Amazeballs, as always. You are one talented arranger of felt patterns to form images of girls… I’m sorry, I don’t know the official title…. felt fiddler? No, maybe not….Let’s stick with artist. Much better.

  20. This is one of those situations where you just want to say “Ha, ha – serves you right!” Hee hee!

  21. Ha! Fantastic. This reminds me of Angie’s (Childhood Relived) story of her brother wrapping a spider as a present.

  22. missemmalou Avatar


  23. Yay! my 5 little sisters* are back and they look like movie stars on the new header!!!!
    The mischievous faces are priceless on this one!! Love it!
    The new font is great! A font made from your own handwriting!! I only wonder if you did it only in capital letters? You know what they say about writting in caps lock on the net…..

    Can’t wait to see the next one!!! Your posts make me so happy!

    *(ever since I found your blog, you guys are my 5 little imaginary sisters hehe).

    1. I’m so undecided about the font! I want to try it out a few different ways. I did make it with lowercase, too, but I thought I’d try it out in all caps since it’s kind of comics tradition to do so…

      1. Yeah, try all the different options you have. I’m sure you’ll find a perfect one. Your own handwritting in the past ones looked great, it gave your work a warm homey look. As for me, now that I’ve seen the new font, they look more pro.
        But in the end, it’s your work. Don’t mind what we think. As long as you feel right about it and like it and keep enjoying what you do, we will all be happy. :)

  24. Im a middle sister of seven sisters I love your work

  25. This is so clever!

  26. Reblogged this on Praise God and commented:

  27. Love it! Funny

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