Cast of Characters

Mom and Dad. They are in love.

Mom and Dad, just trying to survive. Mom likes conspiracy theories, romance and mystery novels, and coffee. Dad likes telling stories, inventing pizzas, and watching crime shows.

"Leave me alone!"

Nicki, the oldest, has never missed a homework assignment. Likes reading everything she can get her hands on, walking in the woods, and being able to boss everyone around. Is often cranky.

"What rhymes with 'scandalous'?"

Ashley, the second oldest, lives in her cowboy boots. Like writing, exploring and having alone time. Is popular and genuinely sweet… until you cross her.

"I am right! You are WRONG!"

Chrissy, the middlest, doesn’t miss a trick. Likes pushing people’s buttons, making up annoying songs, blackmail, and special treatment. Is constantly plotting.


Charlotte, the second to youngest, always has a joke ready. Likes watching movies on repeat until she learns every line of dialogue, being included in her older sisters’ activities, and any form of attention. Is vain (the hand-me-downs bother her the most), sentimental, and an aspiring comedian.

"Everything is so spinny!"

Tess, the baby, is tired of “everyone always picking on” her. Likes hanging upside down until all the blood rushes to her head, cuddling animals, and sucking up to Mom.

"Meow." "My name is Doogie, I think."

Rapunzel and Doogie, the cat and the dog. Rapunzel likes curling up in dark, small spaces, accompanying the girls to the bus stop and on hikes, and sleeping. Doogie likes chasing cars, balls, cats, Tess, lizards, and anything else that moves.