Good Night, Sweetheart

Our family has a lot of sleepwalkers.


95 responses to “Good Night, Sweetheart”

  1. Chatter Master Avatar
    Chatter Master

    Oh my Gosh you are BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Glad you liked it :) I don’t why, but I always found this particular incident really funny

      1. Chatter Master Avatar
        Chatter Master

        It is HYSTERICAL!!!!! I’ve had those moments of opening your eyes and seeing a ‘body’ and be a child. But being shocked as hell! OMGolly you should be getting paid TONS to do this!!!!

    1. Seriously. He hasn’t had a proper night’s sleep in over 30 years.

  2. Oh my. Was there ever a peaceful night’s sleep for your parents? Love the clock!

    1. Maybe it’s coming! The youngest just graduated from high school and is about to move out… but then again, Mom is a notorious sleeptalker/walker, too.

  3. haha! I havent seen anyone sleepwalking, I have seen only sleep-talking. And that feels the most scary and weird thing when it happens :D

    1. I have walked in my sleep twice as an adult and it’s very strange. I also find sleepwalkers very unsettling.

  4. Ha! I used to talk a lot in my sleep as a kid, and I remember one time I was yelling at my brother in a dream really loudly, and my dad came storming in to yell at my brother but the poor kid was asleep. I say it’s retribution for all the times he tormented me and didn’t get yelled at!

    1. Haha! Yeah, it’s not fair he got to torture you in your dreams as well!

  5. hahaha this brought back memories! You could set your watch by our (my 3 sisters’ and mine) sleeptalk episodes! the youngest had a somewhat unsettling phase where shed bolt up, yell at sister#3 not to go with Michael Jackson, all blood-shot eyes and furious, and go back to sleep grumbling :S

    1. Ha! I love these sleeptalking/walking stories :)

  6. riatarded Avatar

    hahahha my sister still does that in her sleep! She is 21! sometimes it’s hilarious while at other times it’s plain hilarious! LMAO!

    1. I bet my sisters still do it, too. Especially Ashley, who was the worst one!

  7. I love when you do digital clocks or timers! I only remember sleep walking a few times as a kid and it freaked me out. I awoke sleeping on the floor once next to the stairs. Sleep talking is what my husband does…I still make fun of him for the night he was saying “robots” over and over in his sleep.

    1. Hahahaha! My husband talks in his sleep, too. And laughs, which is hilarious. “Robots,” though… that’s awesome.

  8. missemmalou Avatar

    Hahaha! your dad’s eyes are precious!!! LOL…

    1. :) Thanks! I love those eyes, but they are so hard to make.

  9. Charlotte Avatar

    This is so funny, NICKI TOOK THE BOOK! I love that face.

    1. Haha, yeah, I thought it was time someone else got that face

  10. Charlotte Avatar

    also, the creepy shadow is so good.

  11. Haha, this is brilliant! My brother was one to sleep walk and talk. It must have been amusing to all sleep under one roof.

    1. Amusing in retrospect :)

  12. Hillarious! Haha! Amazing…

  13. asignoflife Avatar

    Hha this is perfect!
    One time, my sister yelled at me in her sleep because I was texting. It was “bleaching the posters on the wall,” according to her. xD

    1. Oh, I love that! Dream nonsense that makes so much sense at the time, but then when you wake up… not so much.

  14. My brother used to sleepwalk as a kid. It was creepy, because he does it with his eyes open sometimes, and it’s like something out of The Omen.

    1. Ohhh, yeah. Once I had to share a bed with one my aunts and she slept the whole night with her eyes open! Creeeepy

  15. Great fun, great illustrations, great all around!

  16. Aaditee Avatar

    Oh my God, this was hilarious! I have friends who talk in their sleep, it’s really rather funny. Love the Alt text, by the way!

  17. I used to sleep scream, which must have been a blast for my parents.

    1. Ugh, my daughter went through a phase of that about a year ago. Horrible.

  18. My brother and I both used to sleepwalk all the time as kids. I would walk around the house and have entire conversations, most of it gibberish. Once he mistook the laundry hamper for the toilet. My poor mom.

  19. now I want to know what was in the book. Whats the book?

    1. We never did solve that mystery. Ashley had no idea what Dad was talking about in the morning.

  20. My son sleep walked as a child. Your shadow figures are very familiar to me. My husband worked midnights for years and once I awoke to the stranger’s shadow hovering near the door of my room and I was petrified. Then I realized it was my son who thought he was in the bathroom but was in actual fact standing in front of my fan. I stopped him in the nic of time.

    1. Haha! Good catch! Shadowy figures in the dead of night always give me a scare. I had a life-sized silhouette painting of myself in college that used to startle me every time I walked past it. Eventually, I had to put it out by the curb.

      1. That’s really funny. I probably would have done the same.

  21. I hope the book was found :-)

    1. I think I must still have it.

  22. Too funny! I apparently carry on full blown coversations with people in my sleep to this day. Obviously my half of the chat makes absolutely no sense.

    1. Haha! My husband and daughter do, too. It’s pretty funny :)

  23. Hilarious!

    My freshman year roommate in college had arguments in her sleep. Her parents were from India, and although she’d grown up here in the US and spoke English without an accent, her sleeptalking was always in Hindi!

  24. Ha!! I would have had the exact same reaction! I LOVE the transition to the shadow. You’re AWESOME.

    1. Thanks :) I’m glad you liked it!

  25. This is absolutely brilliant! At first I thought the book might have been Fifty Shades of Grey slipping out of the bedroom…

    1. Ha! It was probably “A Wrinkle In Time”… we had one copy and it was hard to take turns.

  26. Great use of that shadow figure. My sister sleep bad-talked me. One night she screamed out loud “Spectra You GROSS SLOB!!!”

    The next morning I was unconsolable and remained angry at her for the whole day. Or until something else irritating distracted me, like broccoli for dinner.

    1. Hahaha! Oh, poor you! That must have stung.

  27. That is so funny! Sleepwalking/talking is so entertaining! And, I am not surprised at all that it was Nicki who took the book!

    1. :D Poor Ashley was the biggest sleepwalker/talker. I bet she still does it.

  28. Hilarious!! Never a dull moment, right? :) I’m a sleep talker myself and have had convos with other sleep talkers – or so I’m told.

    1. Oh, I’ve heard that happen before! So amusing :D

  29. hahahaha.. i loved it..the expressions were awesome

  30. Cute. However night-terrors are not! Holy Cappuccino Batman! I’ll never get back to sleep after all that screeching!

  31. Pete Howorth Avatar
    Pete Howorth

    Hahaha! I wouldnt have gotten back to sleep after that.

    1. I’m sure he didn’t :/ Poor Dad.

  32. Sleep-walking is one thing, but sleep-tattling takes it to a whole, new level. Great shadowy darkness!

    1. It was sleep-tattling! Wow…. Ashley really took it to a whole other level.

  33. My brother! He had the whole house up one night. “Get The Treasure!” he was screaming over and over, as he ran through the house. The next morning at breakfast my mother casually asked him if he had found the treasure. He said, “Did you dream about a treasure too?”

    1. That is so funny! I hope he got it!

  34. Another time, I sleepwalked out of Aunt Chrissie’s house, and no one would wake up to let me in. :( I was really scared and cold by the time I woke up, which really confused me. I wound up ringing the doorbell very late, and Aunt Chrissie felt so bad, she wrapped me in a blanket and stayed on the couch with me until I fell back asleep. Then in the morning, she made a really special breakfast. Oh wait, that was every morning at Aunt Chrissie’s house.

    1. I remembered that but I couldn’t remember where it happened,I remember it clearly now

    2. Aww, I remember that now. Aunt Chrissie is the sweetest :)

  35. Hi! I just nominated you for the Sunshine Award!
    Here are the details:

  36. John-Paul Avatar

    My wife sleep walks (less common), sleep argues with me (common), sleep whacks the crap out of me for snoring (nightly). The “best” thing about a sleep argument is that it is a surreal unwinnable rollercoaster ride to hell for everyone.

  37. Purples and grays…nice for backgrounds depicting nighttime. And that clock. Perfect.

    So glad to not have sleep-walkers in my house. Only sleep-pee-ers and sleep-snorers. And sleep-walk-and-climb-in-bed-with-mom-and-wreck-her-sleep-ers.

    1. :) Thanks! Sleepwalkers are unsettling.

  38. Miranda Gargasz Avatar
    Miranda Gargasz

    LOL! I used to do laundry in my sleep. I also scream in my sleep. Luckily, my darling husband could sleep through a train going through our room. He never even woke up! At least if I’m murdered in my sleep I’ll go to heaven knowing his sleep wasn’t disturbed! Do all little kids sleep walk? My oldest used to sleep walk when he had to go potty. I was always afraid he’d pee in the living room because he’d wander around aimlessly looking for the bathroom!

    1. Wow, laundry! Very productive of you, I’m impressed. I’m not sure if all kids sleepwalk, but it seems like a lot of them do!

  39. archijeks Avatar

    aw, I feel sorry for dad.. for waking up early and all :))

  40. Emily Avatar

    Wow…..great story. I hope nobody ever fell out of their top bunks while sleepwalking.

    1. Unfortunately, that happened regularly despite the guards on the top bunks :P Lucky nobody ever broke an arm that way!

      1. Emily Avatar

        Wow……..if I was your mother, I would have unbunked the beds (and reconfigured room-sharing arrangements if necessary) after the first time that happened. Either that, or I would have replaced the carpets in the big bedroom with gym mats, lol.

        1. I’m sure we didn’t tell her about it. It was fun to have bunked beds! I even miss it now. I used to love to read with my feet propped up on the bed overhead, and that’s where I stashed my treasures… notes from friends, stolen cookies, favorite hair accessories.

          1. I’m surprised that neither of your parents ever heard anyone fall out of their top bunks–I mean, you said yourself that your dad was an insomniac.

  41. metta4art Avatar

    Reblogged this on Wendy Powell.

  42. This trailer reminded me of your blog. It is for the new movie Prometheus, but it was re-done entirely in paper cut-outs! I think only you will truly understand how hard it was to make it.

  43. I’m a sleep-talker…it freaks my mom out sometimes…great work…very creative, just loved it..

  44. I’m the sleepwalker in the family. Awesome post. Dad’s eyebrows pretty much say everything that needs to be said!

  45. Micah Avatar

    Hilarious! Your cut paper work is wonderful.

  46. beautifullyrandomlife Avatar

    Haha! Great post. I love your cut-outs! Your dad’s expression is awesome lol
    I’m a sleep-talker. I can only imagine how weird sleepwalking must be…


  48. Nice work on your dad’s expression! Panel #3 is awesome with the “startled awake” orange thingies … my technical term for your artistry. How do come up with this??? Do you have a design background?

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