The Brussels Sprout Stand-off

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Stand-off "what's that?" "Brussel sprouts. Eat them-- they'll make your eyelashes curly." "I don't like it." "Too bad you're all staying at this table until you finish your brussel sprouts."

6 PM

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "6 PM"

7 PM

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "7 PM"

8 PM

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "8 PM"

9 PM

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "9 PM"

10 PM

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "10 PM"

11 PM

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "11 PM"


The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "MIDNIGHT"

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off "Fine. You win. Just go to bed!"

The Middlest Sister: The Brussel Sprout Strand-off. Grin


30 responses to “The Brussels Sprout Stand-off”

  1. Diane Hale Avatar
    Diane Hale

    This is sooooo awesome AND true!!!!!!! Ask your dad about him and I having to do the same thing …but it was liver!!!!!! I would much rather have had it been brussell sprouts!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe NOT!!!!

  2. charlotte belanget Avatar
    charlotte belanget

    Hahahahahahaaaa, thank you for this entry…ahhh classic Chrissy.

  3. charlotte belanger Avatar
    charlotte belanger

    My last name sometimes ends in ‘t’

  4. charlotte belanger Avatar
    charlotte belanger

    This made me laugh so hard after an awful day, thank you.

  5. Ours was pea soup. They never insisted we eat anything else in its entirety. Usually just made sure we tried it. But, for whatever reason, it was very dark, and very late going to bed after pea soup or liver supper. Great post!

  6.  Avatar

    What talent! Awesome artwork. Would love to see these in action with some annimation. We had a brussell sprout stand off too. My younger sister Mia hated them, the rest of us (7 in our family, 4 girls, 3 boys) just plugged our noses and swallowed. My Mom served us our vanilla ice cream while Mia glared at the sprouts. Mom put her ice cream down and said, “Don’t you touch your ice cream until you’re finished those sprouts.” When Mom left the kitchen my little sistger dumped her ice cream on the brussell sprouts and ate them all. “YUCK!” we said in unison. Love your work! Thanks.

  7. This reminds me of my middle sister and her aversion to fish. She’d sit at the table long after the other sibs were finished, not allowed to leave until she ate it. (There also were a total of 5 children in our house as well). I’m going to send my sis a link to your blog post! Great job on your artwork!!

  8. 哈哈哈!This means hahaha in Chinese. Thanks for the laughs!

  9. We once almost didn’t get a Christmas tree because I refused to eat my cauliflower,and then, when forced, threw it right back up onto my plate. I wish I could write that story in the beautiful way that you do your stories, but when I try, it’s just something out of Daddy Dearest, and I don’t want to do that to my dad because he’s really the best, now that I’m an adult!

    1. Vomit doesn’t really lend itself well to collage.

  10.  Avatar

    This is so funny – I’m a middle sister too and I used to do the same but with chicken! I’d slide pieces of chicken under the table to my mom when my dad wasn’t looking! lol

  11. Oh My God! This is genius, I love it…I will definitely be following you from now on, keep it coming :)

    -Your new fan

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you like it!

  12. I’m 27, and I like pretty much all vegetables in one form or another, EXCEPT Brussel sprouts. Guess what? I grew up to be perfectly healthy.

  13. Amazing. I’m following. I’m going to buy the book that you’ll come out with. :)

  14. This was my youngest son and I….he lost!

  15. Smilnize Avatar

    Truly laughed out loud when I saw this! I don’t think there is a household in America that this has not happened in. Love, love, love it!

  16. foroneplease Avatar

    hehehehe! your cutouts make my day :P thanks!

  17. Haha, love this one, especially her grin at the end!

  18. When I was a kid, it was the Sunday roast – my mom couldn’t seem to cook one without it being as tough as leather. One time she made me sit until I ate a piece of a roast that was tougher than ususal. When she left the room, I threw it into the garbage. When she came back into the room, I told her I had eaten it. So she put another piece on my plate, and sat there until I ate it.

  19. My mother would leave my breakfast consisting of fried egg on toast in the oven to keep warm on a Sunday morning. It was always like leather when I eventually got up and I disposed of it promptly on a regular basis. Fried eggs still leave me feeling cheated.

  20. This was awesome. I spent many a night alone at the table in the dark staring down a plate of cooked carrots. My parents set a timer and if i didn’t beat the clock my punishment was to eat my portion and all the leftovers.

  21. Hahaha, that was funny! And I love how you changed the lighting…

  22. This is awesome. And I would show it to a girl I know… but her mother might never forgive me.

  23. I have learned to love Brussel Sprouts, but hated them as a girl. And I do not think you can achieve some love for “healthy” eating by punishment like this. Rather the contrary. Brussel sprouts are a traditional English Christmas vegetable, btw. Hence the late comment.

  24. Haha :P This is amazing! A true story in most families. What can one say? These days kids know their way out :D

  25. molanglover Avatar

    Ha Ha that’s so funny!

  26. How can I “like” this thirty times over?

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