House Rule No. 3

Happy birthday to my lovely and wise mother :)

5 Pies!

Clouds look like turles sometimes. Or maybe lambs.

Not a mystery machine.


79 responses to “House Rule No. 3”

  1. Curly Carly Avatar
    Curly Carly

    Haha!! Love it!

  2. Seriously. Make a PDF of your posts and sell it on your site. I would totally buy it. Awesome!!!!

    1. Or she could use iBook Author and publish it for iPad… just sayin.

      1. Sounds like a great idea! I’d buy it, too.

      2. Hmm… I do not know how to do these things… I’ll look into it, though!

        1. I’m doing this with my 6th grade music class at the moment. It’s like scrapbooking but on a computer, except you can add movies, animations, and sound too. The app is free and to publish is free, it just takes a long time to get processed because everyone is keen to be published right now.

  3. I am so totally in awe of your ability! All those little teeny bricks…*shakes head* I -so- don’t have the kind of patience it’d take to do that! Not to mention make such funny stories out of them I’m glad you do. I’m selfish…I’ll just enjoy, and let you do all the work! ;)

    KC & Co.

    1. You don’t know the half of it. I spent hours and hours texturizing each tiny brick… only to find you can’t see it at 584 pixels wide :P

      1. >;< Wow, that sucks. *laughs* It's still gorgeous, though. What do you do with your pieces when you're done? Do you save them?


        1. Yes, I have most everything saved and filed away! I reuse pieces when I can to save time and resources :)

          1. I know you’ve heard it again and again, but you should seriously make a book. :)


      2. Why didn’t you just texturize the paper first, before cutting it into little bricks?

  4. Hey, that is going to be one of our rules!

    1. Ha! I wonder what rules I’ll be forced to make for my daughter.

  5. That is really incredible!…What creativity you have and patience!

    1. Thank you! I enjoy it :)

  6. There’s a polar bear above the traffic light!

  7. I totally agee that these need to be in a book. I’d buy it!

    1. Thanks, I’ll try/am trying!

  8. I absolutely adore your work. The stories are always so funny, and remind me of my family.

    1. Aw, thanks! They make me feel like I am hanging out with my family the whole time I am making them.

  9. John-Paul Avatar

    I have two daughters. This sounds like a good rule. Well, maybe minus the last three words.

  10. OMG that shot of the mom’s expression in the rearview mirror!!! Are you kidding me Nicky??? You are so freakin’ genius! Do you storyboard your ideas? Once again, I am just filled with glee!

    1. Sometimes I do, other times I just wing it :)

  11. Absolutely fabulous.

  12. thanks for the smile

  13. I bet your mom is just glad to have survived the teenage years! Happy birthday to her!

    1. Poor Mom deserves a medal for all we put her through.

  14. Love the gleaming red and green lights. How did you do that? And also, love your mom’s expresson on the rear view mirror – it’s a gem!

    1. Thanks, it’s just a photoshop trick :)

  15. our rule # 3 is slightly different “No dating boys til your 30!” but I’m not holding my breath….

    1. ha! 30 is kind of harsh!

      1. Well, we’re leaving room for the negociating table…

  16. missemmalou Avatar

    Haha! Brilliant! My parents had a similar rule growing up! :-) Are you going to apply the same house rule for your daughter?

    1. Hm, by the time she is old enough, I imagine we’ll have flying spacecars or something (that’s only 10 years off, right?)

  17. That’s awesome! Great house rule!

    1. :) She said it every time she saw an unsavory character go by in a shady van. I think Ashley broke it lots, though :)

      1. I once dated a boy who did not drive a van. Once.

  18. HaHA-HA! Your mum is obviously a wise women. I might borrow her rule once my daughters get older.
    Happy birthday to her!

    1. Thanks, I’ll pass the birthday wishes along! :D

  19. Middle sister – playing on the gameboy. Nice touch!

    1. Thanks! The Game Boy is practically a recurring character now!

  20. That’s not fair, your mom drives a van too!

    1. True. But when are parents not hypocritical?

      1. Maybe vans are okay as long as they don’t have curtains and psychedelic paint jobs.

  21. Wiser words have seldom been said. :)

    1. It always made me wonder if Mom was speaking from experience. Hmmm

  22. loved it! brlliant as usual :-)

  23. Love the house rules! Your blog is one of my favorite passtimes.

    1. Aww, thanks! I appreciate it!

  24. Fantastic! So did all five of you follow this rule…even after you moved out of the house? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Oh, it got broken after we moved out. Not by me, of course. Ashley definitely. Charlotte maybe. :)

  25. copycatmom Avatar

    I thought I had all my rules for my girls when they approach that terrifying season in life, yet I see I missed one. Thanks for the reminder ;)
    I really enjoy your posts they are very, creative!

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your rules!

  26. Nicole, when exactly did this take place? I love your blog, but the only thing that confuses me is, there’s no timeline–so, in one post, you’re young enough to have an imaginary friend who lives in the laundry room, and in the next, you’re old enough to be interested in dating boys in vans–but meanwhile, Charlotte is still young enough to play with dolls. Anyway, it’s your blog, but……just a thought.

    1. This blog is just sporadic memories from when I was age 4-10. There’s no timeline, it’s all just for fun. In the book that I am writing, though, the girls have defined ages and time is linear :)

    2. Also, I have been toying with the idea of adding in stories from the teenage and even adult years to this blog. The girls will look older in those ones :)

      1. Well, I still think it’s awesome, and I’m looking forward to seeing your book, if I can get it in Canada. As for the age thing, well, I was going to say that there’s only so much you can do with collage, but you certainly push the envelope on what “only so much” encompasses.

  27. I thought for SURE the last panel would have your mom trying to drag race the dude in the van. But rule #3 was a far more sensible response for her to make. Ours was no car dates until senior year.

    Happy birthday to your mom!

  28. Very, very cute story. The happiest of birthdays to your mom.

  29. Simply. Brilliant. Glad I found you!

  30. Very cool, creative blog. Love the cut-out storyboarding reminds me of beloved puppets and stop-action animation cartoons of my youth. Can’t imagine the amount of time/work that goes into creating these stories, though! You are obviously very patient and dedicated to your artistic craft. Cheers. :-)

  31. russelllindsey Avatar

    Reblogged this on Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde and commented:
    So cute … as always!

  32. kofykat Avatar

    I wonder,have you thought of binding these as books and selling them?

    1. It was my plan to have them printed in a book after I had been making the comics for a year, but that was when I was just going to give them to my family.

      1. kofykat Avatar

        do it now. maybe you could do a contest and give them away or sell them on your blog. i think it’s a splendid idea.

        1. That is a very good idea and I would love to do it, but I don’t have the money to self-publish. I was thinking an e-book may be do-able if I can figure out how and when I get some spare time. I’m actually working on a full-length graphic novel right now starring the sisters from The Middlest Sister and introducing some great new characters, all illustrated with cut-paper. Maybe I could do some bound copies of the comics as a promotion or something.

          1. kofykat Avatar

            damn that sounds cool. I’m in the same boat, wrote a book but no money to self publish. :-( good luck with it. let me know how it goes.

  33. Hi
    I need to establish some rules like this.

  34. AMAZING ARTWORKS………….hats offf………:-)

  35. That was really neat. My mom would have really loved that. She used to spend hours making felt board stories for her daycare kids, and they always turned out so well. It takes alot to make a simple shape do that much work. The mom’s expression in the rear view was priceless.

  36. […] Previous house rules: Rule No. 1 Rule No. 2 Rule No. 3 […]

  37. I love love love love love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just found it today and I’m totally glued :D

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