
84 responses to “The Creeps”

  1. I STILL can’t watch a scary movie.

    1. Oh, yeah. I’ve never been able to. I wouldn’t go near anything that even vaguely resembled a scary movie. I refused to watch Ghostbusters for 15 years after it came out. It had GHOSTS in it!

      1. It took me YEARS to understand that Beetlejuice was not a horror movie but in fact a comedy.

  2. Absolutely riveted to/by your work. More! More! More!

    1. Thanks! I’ll keep making more until my sisters stop being funny :)

      1. I have 7 siblings…there will ALWAYS be something ridiculous coming from them. ;)

  3. They’re the same monsters that chased me around every night!

    Sometimes, I think they still do…

    1. Yeah, I’ve got a few that lurk in the basement.

  4. LOL! In our old house, while I would be home alone watching tv at night…I’d hear someone walking upstairs then down the stairs. It was my big ole cat, Max. He sounded just like an adult human walking up there on the wood floors.

    1. It’s amazing how cats can do that!

  5. What movie was that?

    1. No real movie :) I’m too afraid to watch a scary movie to see what a real one looks like!

      1. Hey Nicki, do you remember the show “Are You Afraid of the Dark” on Nickelodeon?

  6. Where to start? The television show is unbelievably fantastic (I thought it was a real television at first), the imagined monsters are superb, the story line is perfect. Well done!

  7. Ahhhh! The one with the hand on the lightswitch! [runs to check the locks]

    1. hahahaha! I hope you have good locks!

  8. Miranda Gargasz Avatar
    Miranda Gargasz

    Love the monster hand on the light switch! Is it just me or isn’t it just a little bit thrilling to be scared?

    1. A little bit. Maybe. Sometimes. Rarely.

      1. Miranda Gargasz Avatar
        Miranda Gargasz


  9. I couldn’t and still can’t watch scary movies. I like suspense, a bit of a thriller…but scary movies are just not for me!!! And the more psychologically creepy they are, the worse…

    But your artwork on the other hand is amazing, as usual! I always look forward to a new post! :)

    1. Thanks, Dounia! I can’t watch scary movies either. Charlotte LOVED them. And scary books. I did better with scary books, but “Wait Til Helen Comes” gave me nightmares for ages.

  10. I am also not a big fan of scary movies! Great monster designs in this post!

  11. Brilliant per usual. I loved the expressions and the bug-eyedness (is that word? Sure, let’s make it one)

    1. I love the bug-eyes. They are super tiny and challenging to make, but the effect is always worth it. If I wasn’t so lazy, they’d have those types of eyes all the time :)

  12. I love this, fabulous!

  13. It’s still like this when we’re grown, isn’t it? Love this.

    1. I’m pretty sure it never goes away.

  14. It’s true! That’s always how it went when I was a kid too. :)

    1. It was worse when I was a kid, but I can still myself the creeps pretty easily.

  15. I once ate a cake that had that exact same effect on me

    1. Must have been some cake!

      1. it was pretty horrid cake

  16. This is so great. Still love watching scary movies though. ;-)

    1. :) I’ll only agree to watch something remotely scary if it’s daylight.

      1. That’s like my husband. I have to beg and plea him to watch horror flicks with me. lol

  17. I love the black and white montage!

    1. Thanks! It was fun to make :)

  18. This one is my new favorite!

  19. I love how you use lighting. Amazing!

    1. Thank you :) It’s always fun to give it a new look.

  20. I could almost hear the footsteps in your picture! Wonderful!

    1. Thanks! I’m glad that came across!

  21. That you can convey so much emotion by cutting pieces of paper up blows my mind. You are not only really good at this– you are also getting better. It is also really funny… but the art aspect of this is kind of trippy sometimes. I love it.

    1. Thank you :) That means a lot to me.

  22. Michelle Gillies Avatar
    Michelle Gillies

    I just went and checked all the doors. I hate when the man works nights. :-(

    1. Aww. I get like that sometimes on nights when my husband has school. It’s really not fun.

  23. Love the lovely texture of your monster hands! No need for hand lotion!

    1. Haha! I love that texture. I’ll miss that paper when its gone.

  24. Ooh! very cool and spooooky…

    1. Thanks! :) I hope Charlotte likes it! And her son, the new King of Creepies.

  25. I love the way you did the sound of footsteps, creepy footsteps even. Amazing!

    1. Thank you! I’m glad the footstep noise came across alright!

  26. Love this! It is beauty from start to finish. There’s no better friend than a dog to reassure you everything is okay.

    1. All I have right now is a cat and rabbit. The rabbit is usually the cause of the creepy noises and all the cat does is freak me out even more by staring intently at nothing.

  27. So awesome. I’ve gotten to where I hit the like button, before I see a single frame, while I’m waiting for all the pictures to load on my phone. Because I already know.

    1. :) Thanks! I hope you never have to take it back!

  28. Hahaha! This is so funny, because it is so so true. Awesome dog there. :D

    1. Doogie is a very reassuring creature sometimes.

  29. It’s so true!!! Whenever wifey is away and I suddenly think back to some scary movie I’ve watched, I’ll go hug my dog and everything will be better.

    Unless of course, he starts to bark at the door for no apparent reason.

  30. Awesome. Particularly the boney hand.

  31. Hello,
    I’m just letting you know that I have nominated you for the “Super Sweet Blogging Awards”. Go to and make a new post, answer the questions and follow the rules!

  32. Adorable and clever… as usual!

  33. How deliciously creepy! Thank goodness your trusty dog was there to keep the monsters at bay.

  34. russelllindsey Avatar

    Reblogged this on Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde and commented:
    Nothing like the company of a good dog <3


  36. The footsteps image! Brills. And I LOVE that it was the dog causing the mild heart attack.

  37. lolz… that was super funny.. and the real thing

  38. I always felt safe when my dog was with me.

  39. My dog is usually sleeps through scary movies, but when the music gets really freaky, he starts screaming in his sleep…

  40. Tee hee hee This might be one of my favs so far! If I had your skillz, all I would do is cut out little Uncle Jesse’s (my dog).

  41. Your posts never fail at being awesome! :) LOVE your blog!

  42. missemmalou Avatar

    LOL! I still cannot watch horror movies in the dark! As a matter of fact, I do not watch them at all. When I was in my teens I made the mistake and watched “Psycho”, it took me months, and I mean months for me to feel safe while taking a shower. Sorry for the late reply…

  43. Okay, now I’m going to have nightmares after that 8th frame.

  44. Love this shadow and B&W work! Those bulging eyes!!! I can’t even watch the commercials for scary movies that are always on this time of year, let alone watching the movies themselves!

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