House Rule No. 1, Revisited

As a reminder, “House Rule No. 1”

December 1: Say rabbit, rabbit.december2december3december4december5december6december7december8december9


51 responses to “House Rule No. 1, Revisited”

  1. I really love the MEEP! :D I can so relate to this. I love that your other sister is oblivious. :)

    1. I don’t think Charlotte was so much oblivious, as she was just sitting back and watching the drama unfold, hence the Big Gulp. Last time Nicki did this story, she had the younger sisters eating popcorn, so this adds some variety.

      1. Oh my goodness, what a fantastic reply from someone starring in the skit! Do I see a rival comic in the making? ;)

        1. 1. I wasn’t in the skit, although I do sort of look like Tess–brown hair, brown eyes, and no bangs, and my favourite colour just happens to also be purple…..but I think even the youngest Belanger sister is older than me, judging by the pop-culture references in Nicki’s previous stories.

          2. I don’t see myself making a rival comic. I’ve written a few poems based on my childhood (with names changed to protect the guilty), but I don’t have the patience to do what Nicki does, and the scanner I have is really unreliable. Besides, I enjoy reading The Middlest Sister so much, I’d hate to do anything to detract from its readership, and possibly discourage Nicki from continuing with it.

          1. I think I must have caught the wrong end of the stick. Stupidly thought you were related and were going to do your own take on the story! ;) Thanks. :) It’s a wonderful site that Nicole’s created. :)

  2. Pete Howorth Avatar
    Pete Howorth

    Ahahah! Always going for the front seat!

    1. Always. (Even today.)

  3.  Avatar

    I remember that like it was yesterday!

  4. ah the memories. ;-)

    1. :D This actually still happens when we all get together.

  5. ZOMG, that’s the age difference between two of my boys! “We’re the SAME AGE, I am SIX now!” “No, I’m still older!” “But you’re six too, so we’re THE SAME AGE!”

    1. Haha! I think Chrissy still taunts Ashley about it.

  6. It never takes much to start a civil war, does it?

    I love the furry collar on Mom’s jacket. That was a masterful touch, getting the texture across the way you did.

  7. Oh, yeah, good times, good times. Course, my brothers usually ended up in the backseat anyway and I ended up in the middle between them or on the floor of the car because I always had motion sickness.

    1. Ugh, I get motion sickness, too. The only cure is to sit in the front.

  8. There was a roster in our house…

    1. How interesting! I’ve never heard of such an organized household :D

      1. I never said it worked!

  9. Awww! I remember fighting my brother for the front seat. He was (is) one year and ten days older than me, so he usually used the age thing to his advantage, too. Great cartoon! ~Vicki

    1. A fight as old as humanity itself. Well, and cars. A fight as old as cars.

  10. That is my kids, hahaha. Rarely does a day go by without having to break up an Epic Sibling Duel!

    1. As sibling fights go, this one is just slightly less dramatic than the fight over Who Gets the Prize in the Cereal Box.

  11. Ah yes, I remember those days! My oldest has left home and the second has taken his place in the shotgun seat. The youngest waits her turn. I don’t miss the fighting, not one bit. But I miss the special energy that also happens when all three are together.

  12. My mom once had all of us squeeze into the backseat because everyone wanted to be in the front.

    1. Haha! Wise solution.

  13. I never, ever got the front seat. My sister is four years older and it would have been so embarrassing for anyone to see her riding in the backseat. We fought about it all the time. I don’t know what I’ll do when my kids start doing that. Yes I do. Scream.

    1. Wow, that is truly unfair.

  14. I never got the front seat, didn’t bother trying (that’s what she thought, but I got to ride up front with my mom when she wasn’t around!)

  15. Hahaha! That poor mom. I have two sisters, so that is exactly what it was like for my mom when we were growing up.

    1. I only have one kid and I cannot imagine the chaos of more. The chaos of one is more than enough!

      1. I grew up in a two-kid family (me and my brother, who’s three years younger), and our solution was simple–one of us would ride in the front seat on the way to our destination, and the other would get it on the way back.

  16. I like when the other sister is just staring drinking her drink. Funny!

    1. :) Thanks. I smiled to myself while making that panel.

  17. LOL love the girl with the drink: you can almost here the slurp of the drink through the staw

    1. Yes – that should have been: “Straw”

    2. Yay! I’m glad it could be so evocative. (And don’t mind the typos, I never seem to notice them!)

  18. Another great one. Sad to say, my sister and I still fight over the front seat.

  19. Nicole, love the banner of cookies! Fab!
    I’ve nominated you for Blog of the Year 2012, but the post won’t go live until tomorrow morning. You can find it here:
    Congratulations! :)

    1. Aw, thank you Kate!

      1. You are SO welcome! :)

  20. riainthecity Avatar

    LOL my sis and I are 21 and 25 years of age respectively but we still fight over the front seat! Cause that’s just how we roll! You know?! hahah loved this! <3

  21. I thought for SURE this would end with Charlotte having snuck in while the other 2 were arguing. But that would break the house rule, right?

  22. Hahahaha! This is painfully true!

  23. I love the creativity! You’re really good at this. I like that the other sister is just standing there, Haha! :) Great posts!

  24. really, how old are you? You’re so creative! :)

  25. Priya Nain Avatar
    Priya Nain

    this brought back memories :) realy nice

  26. very common when you have so many siblings! at the end doesnt matter who says what. mom decides anyway!

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