Hello, Operator










True story.


145 responses to “Hello, Operator”

  1. Excellent! Where’s my lucky penny?

    1. I’d look behind the dresser.

  2. This is great! I love the details like…

    Hang on. How did you know what the girl on the other end looked like?



    1. Oops! “Almost entirely true story.”

  3. I remember the days of “calling time.” I never even thought to ask other questions. I wonder what other strange things they were asked? Great story!

    1. I bet a former telephone operator could enthrall listeners for hours!

  4.  Avatar

    Funny as always!!

  5. missemmalou Avatar

    That is one patient operator! Happy New Year!!!!

  6. LOVE this. This is why you always call the Operator for Information!

    1. Exactly! She has all the answers.

  7. This was hilarious!! (What a nice operator!)

  8. AWESOME! Was about to head out and saw the flashing #’s…always a MUST read. Glad I did. Keep it coming! ~Regards, Dan (BTW, does that even work anymore, I know who I’m calling tonight!…What’s the average wing speed of an unladen swallow?)

    1. Is it an African or an English swallow?

      1.  Avatar

        If I say I don’t know will I be lost to the Gorge of Eternal Peril?

    2. Haha! I’m not sure if it does. You’ll have to let us all know!

  9. I love Chrissy’s face at the end holding the sock looking like, “How the hell did she know that?” Awesome. Thanks for the laugh.

    1. :D Glad it could make you laugh!

  10. I believe it all. NOW LET’S GO FIND SANTA!

    1. Let’s wait for summer. Brrr

  11. I can tell this is ancient history – you mean there was a day when the phone was answered by a live PERSON????
    How do you get the time to flash – you’re a genius, Nicki.

    1. It’s a simple gif, but I’ll take the compliment! Thanks, Peg!

  12. That is the BEST! And a gif to boot!

  13. I don’t know if it’s like this everywhere, but in Southern California, there’s a specific number to dial for just the time.

    “At the beep, the time will be 4:15 and TEN seconds.”

    I used to wait til it said “4:16 EXACTLY” (or whatever the time was) before I hit the “set” button on the clocks.

    1. You dial POP-CORN! (Works(ed) everywhere in California at least, maybe nationwide?) I used to call that number all the time when I was little just to pretend that I actually had someone to call.


        1. Wow, I’ve never heard of that!

    2. It used to be 08 in Hungary. I have to see if it still exist….

  14. Great! Hilarious! :-D

  15. True story. Also a good story.

  16. Rebecca Vander Sys Avatar
    Rebecca Vander Sys

    We used to call the operator when we were kids..do they still do that?

    1. I’m not sure… I’ll have to find a kid and ask!

  17. Just this morning I was sitting on this page, hoping a new post would pop up. I told my husband, you have to see this blog—that Rudolph is so cool! Now I love the blinking clock. Fabulous!

    1. I was hard at work cutting and pasting a new one! :) Thanks for sharing it!

      1. It paid off! Love the blinking clock… almost as much as Rudolph. I mean, how can you compete with a flying reindeer, with a glowing nose! Fabulous.

  18. Haha, I remember calling the operator, too, but only to get other phone numbers. Then there was 411 (free!) and we had a number to call for Time (So Cal, too). I loved it.

    1. Wow, so many options!

  19. Your panels are just adorable – I look forward to seeing your posts in my e-mail.

    1. Thank you. That’s so nice to hear!

  20. i just lolzed even with flu.

    1. Oh, no! I hope you feel better soon. The flu is especially awful this year. Poor thing!

      1. I’m better now luckily only last 2.5 days. and got to bunk work so yay :)

  21. Pete Howorth Avatar
    Pete Howorth

    Ahahahahaha, Uber Lolz!

  22. This bears/bares (?) repeating EVERY SINGLE TIME you post:

    You are brilliant.

  23. yes those ladies know everything

    1. They really do! Better than calling the psychic hotline.

  24. The blinking, clock, Chrissy’s mouth full of food from the grocery bag and all three of the facial expressions added so much to this hilarious story!

    1. Thanks! I have a lot of fun piecing together the panels :)

  25. Awesome. I never can find my socks.

    1. Me neither! In fact, I am missing one from my new favorite pair. I think I left it at my mother’s house. It’s what made me remember this story!

  26. ahahaha Awesome!! I laughed out loud on this one. We would call “popcorn” (767-2676) to get the time, which didn’t include a helpful operator at the other end. I want to know where my missing sock went! :)

    1. I have never heard of “popcorn”! Sounds useful.

  27. Fabulous! I love the gif and the bug eyes! Weirdly, I just sat down to type a short story about a missing sock, and thought I would check my e-mail first. We are connected in so many ways!

    1. Maybe we have the same star sign and our horoscope says “Today you will dwell on a lost article. What comes of it is up to you.” (I want to read your missing sock story!)

      1. I’m still working on it, but I will share it with you when it’s finished! There’s Tupperware involved, too…

  28. Oh, Gosh! I am crying with laughter and my stomach is really hurting! It´s one of the best. Thank you!

    1. :D Yay! I’m so happy to hear that!

  29. You can’t reveal Santa’s address all over the internet! Whaaaa!

    1. Oops! At least I didn’t reveal his personal landline.

  30. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

  31. Haha! Awesome post, Nicole! Love the flashing time on the stove. Our electric clock had one of the flip card type numbers, you know, like a Rolodex.

    I miss the free dial-zero operators in this digital Google-everything age. I used to call them sometimes just to ask the time and chat a bit. My aunt worked for the bell company — some of the operators knew her since she was one of the few “linemen” at that time. Those ladies were all awesome. I hope they’re getting paid a great pension for dealing with us little snot-noses.

    1. Oh, I LOVE those clocks! My best friend growing up had one in her room, and I used to love to hear the fluttering of the numbers when the hour changed.

  32. Love it! Thanks for making me laugh out loud today.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  33. One of my favorites, so far!!! I think I need to call the operator, about my missing socks, too…

    1. Me, too! I miss my sock.

  34. hahahahhahahahah I’d be so freaked out! hhhahaha love this one!

  35. JackieP Avatar

    Oh my, I almost spit out my water at the last frame. Too funny! :-)

    1. Haha! I know it’s going to be a good one when I make myself laugh when I sketch out the panels in my notebook.

  36. Bravo! Pure Genius! This one has to gt freshly pressed! Love love love it!

  37. Your creativity is continuing and I love it! Don’t ever stop.

  38. Socked re-united. A true new year miracle.

    1. Yes. I’m hopefully looking at the mailbox every day to see if my mom will mail me the sock I left at her house. I miss my sock.

  39. LOL! Thanks for starting my day with a good laugh. :-)

  40. FANTASTIC. No blog I’ve seen is like yours.

  41. I love Chrissy’s eyes when she found the sock hahaha!

    1. :D Well, can you imagine?!

  42. [Cue Twilight Zone theme.]
    This is hilarious! And I love the blinking clock – brilliance!!

  43. Brilliant! How spooky, love the eating face!

    1. :) Thanks! I always like to do the eating panels. Little cheekies!

  44. That’s hilarious – what an excellent operator!

    1. I imagine they have special training on dealing with pesty children.

  45. D’you know what. I’ve had, at times, a really crappy day. A number of things have managed to put a smile on my face. Thank you for making my laugh out loud!!! :D

    1. Glad I could put a smile on your face, Kate :)

      1. It was much needed. Thank you.

        By the way, I think I said this last year, but I’m loving the blinking images that you’re using right now, like digital clocks. I don’t know how you’re doing it, but I like it. :)

  46. Hahahaha! Hilarious! I love it! Particularly love Chrissy’s cheeks when she is raiding the bag.

    1. :) Thanks! It used to drive Mom crazy when we’d raid the grocery bags immediately.

      1. Really? Grocery shopping always seems to make me hungry.

  47. Nicole, another great one. The missing sock is priceless, as is the patience of the operator.

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